Monday, September 8, 2008


A week after her release from a Florida jail, controversy continues to swirl around the mother of missing toddler Caylee Anthony.
The bail bondsman who bailed Casey Anthony out of jail told today that Anthony has not made an effort to help bounty hunters find her missing daughter.

Tony Padilla, the nephew of California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who arranged to have Anthony released on bond last week, said, "Maybe we got duped a little bit. Maybe we overestimated her."

Asked whether he would have bonded Anthony out of jail knowing what he knows now, Padilla said, "Hindsight being 20/20, probably not."

Leonard Padilla arranged to post Anthony's $500,000 bond, saying he thought he could persuade the 22-year-old to reveal what happened to her missing daughter.

Padilla's comments come as the Orlando Sentinel reports today that air sample tests taken from Casey Anthony's car found evidence that a decomposing body was in the trunk.

At a July bond hearing, police said "evidence of decomposition," including hairs the same length and color as Caylee's, was found in the trunk of the car.

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